In our day and time, most people mainly women are obsessed with weight loss, diet pills, cleansing, and anything that will help them lose weight. With our society, being so obsessed with being thin and healthy there is nothing that people will not try to lose those extra pounds. With this advertisement of Kim Kardashian and the Quick Trim system, it is no different. This advertisement appeals to women who want to be sexy and fit and men that want their women to be sexy and fit. With the headline saying “How Hot Can You Be?” the advertisement, imply that with this product you will be the hottest thing ever by using this system. It will make you hotter than if you tried losing weight without it. Also this advertisement is appealing because a celebrity is promoting it and that will make more people try it. What will also get people’s attention is that Kim Kardashian is a sexy and beautiful and if she achieved a body like that than so can I as well. We can be sexy and be one of the girls that men stop in their tracks to look at. By the sound of it the products seems good and even Kim Kardashian and her sister Khloe Kardashian swear by it and they twitter about it and Kim Kardashian even put herself as the face of the product. What also captures the attention of people that want to try the product is the background of the advertisement. When we think of the beach, we think of tanning in the sun, bikinis, and sand castles. With this advertisement, it appeals to women who want to lose weight. It lets women know that with this product they can lose that weight and have the beach body that they have always wanted. So that the women can strut on the sand and have that body that, they wanted so that they will not be wearing t-shirts on the beach. This is also good advertising because it does not use an ultra thin women like those on most covers on magazines. It has a curvy woman that most women can relate to and achieve that body weight without killing themselves. That is why this advertisement can be appeasling to most women.